It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I thought I would continue to keep our blog current so here goes...
In July, of 2009 I was able to land a job with the Cape Hatteras National Seashore which is located at the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I work as a peservation worker restoring historical sites and buildings. It is quite interesting type of work and I enjoy working for the Park Service.
Over the past 25 plus years I have worked in middle management with the auto industry shipping vehicles from plant to dealerships all over the country. Due to the downturn in the auto industry in 2009, my position was terminated and like many others, found myself searching for a new job. I have always enjoyed working with my hands since I was a kid. I liked the sense of accomplishment building or constructing projects. I was a steel worker in my younger days fabricationg steel structures according to blueprint. It feels good to be back in this type of work with people who have so much skilled talents. There is so much history here to learn and write about. I will write of projects we have already completed and upcoming projects as well.
Cindy and I love the warmer weather and we live within 15 minutes of the beach. Most weekends we spend at the beach when weather permits. We rented a nice house near the sound.
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